Homage to the Philadelphia Eleven
“Homage to the Philadelphia Eleven” by the Rev. Rhonda J. Rubinson delivered at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, NYC Monday, July 29, 2024 Texts: Exodus 1:15-21, Sirach 1:4-15, Galatians 3:23-29, Luke 24:1-11 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of all our hearts be found acceptable in your sight, […]
The Mark of Zero (excerpt)
The following is an excerpt from an unpublished essay The Mark of Zero A Moonstruck – Inspired Analysis of Our Current Political Climate By Rhonda Joy Rubinson I. Our country emerged from the tense midterm election season in 2022 relieved but still profoundly anxious about the direction of our nation. Many of us had […]
Cherish the Land that No One Owns
(Excerpt from an unpublished essay) “Cherish the land that no one owns” As the spaces available for solitude vanish in the age of social media, a prince “tells his truth” By Rhonda Joy Rubinson . . . once you go into inner being you will find that everything you encompass, in any direction you choose, […]
MORE NEW SCENES “Pharaoh Moses” Draft Screenplay
Please note: The Screenplay and Treatment (excerpted below) are both WGA/w registered. What is Pharaoh Moses? Why do we need another movie about Moses? Wasn’t Cecil B. DeMille’s 1956 epic The Ten Commandments the last word on Moses? Not by a long shot. And not if we take a look at the potential to tell […]
Adventures in Cooking with Mother Rhonda
Coming Soon!! Here are a few sample chapters! (You’re welcome!) Adventures in Cooking with Mother Rhonda Welcome to our new Reality Writing Series!! You all know that I am an indifferent and occasionally lethal cook. But this past week has been unusually spectacular in the kitchen, even for me. So I am taking a […]
Noodged by Grace
Published in the Episcopal New Yorker (Spring 2016) page 24 “Noodged” by Grace By the Rev. Rhonda Joy Rubinson Priest-in-charge, Church of the Intercession, Manhattan Something – or somebody – was nudging me. Well not “nudging” me, exactly – more like “noodging” me, “noodging” being the Yiddishkeit expression for “bugging” or “nagging.” I didn’t know what […]